This book is about max and molly who are very hungry, however when they get to a town all of the people hide their food. Max and molly get the idea to tell he townspeople about stone soup and ask for help to make it. It turns out the townspeople put their own food and ingredients into the soup without realizing it. They all eat and dance the night away. I would use this book to go along with a creativity themed lesson. I would use this for any grade honestly, I would be the one reading it to them so it would be okay for younger grades. It is leveled 340 L.
This book is all about the Bear Family who forgot their manners one afternoon. Mama bear created a family politeness plan and made everyone follow along. They realized things went better when everyone minded their manners. This would be great for the middle of the year "blues" or just one day when the class needed to be reminded to use their manners. A class politeness plan would be great to follow this activity up with. I would use this for third grade. It is leveled 620 L.
This book is one of my favorites. It is great to use for making predictions. I would use this book when introducing the prediction idea and allow students to make predictions as we read through the book together. It is leveled 280 L. I would use it in first grade.
This book is about a family of ducklings and a frog that tries to be apart of their family. They learn to accept the green frog and allow him to play and be friends with them even though he looks and sounds differently than they do. This is a great book to use as a first day of school ice breaker. I would use this book in a first or second grade class and it is leveled (610 L).